Electric Football’s Debut Date – 1949 or 1947?

The first ever public appearance of Electric Football. The 1949 March issue of Playthings.

One of the first Electric Football mysteries we set out to solve in The Unforgettable Buzz was the year of the game’s debut.

Was it 1947 or 1949?  

The 1947 date first appeared when Miggle Toys resurrected the game in the early 1990’s. In the Miggle literature, and also in the descriptions that accompanied Electric Football games in catalogs like Back To Basics, the 1947 date was prominent. But while doing some of our early research, someone told us that the date for Electric Football was actually 1949.

And that “someone” just happened to be Norman Sas.

Norman told us that he didn’t arrive at Tudor until 1948, so it was impossible for Electric Football to have been invented in 1947. Norman also joked that if Tudor and his father Elmer had invented Electric Football in 1947, there wouldn’t have been any need for Norman to become Tudor’s president in 1948. So if the man who was credited with inventing Electric Football said 1949, then…why wouldn’t it be?

From that point on we were determined to find something definitive on the date. Yes, Norman’s word was pretty definitive, but there had to be more, there had to be a paper record or trail to confirm the date of the game. It took us a few more years, but we did find a trail in the form of the toy industry journal Playthings (see Chapter 3 of The Unforgettable Buzz for more about Playthings).

What we found was this:

1) No mention of Electric Football in any 1947 issue of Playthings.

2) No mention of Electric Football in any 1948 issue of Playthings.

Tudor’s 1949 ad for their “New Electrical Action Games.” Three are named, but only Electric Football was sold in 1949.

3) The July 1948 issue of Playthings contains an announcement of Norman Sas taking over Tudor.

4) First public record of Electric Football comes in the 1949 March issue of Playthings, with an article about Tudor’s “New” Electric Football game. Tudor also runs a full-page ad announcing the company’s New Electrical Action games.

5) 1949 September Playthings – an article about Tudor’s “new” Electric Football game including a picture of the No. 500 model.

6) 1950 February Playthings – article on page 289 where Tudor V.P. Joe Tonole recounts the 1949 success of the Tudor’s new electric football game. A photo of the game is part of the article.

When you add this documentation trail to Norman’s words the verdict is clear. Electric Football’s first year of public existence was 1949. As for the question of when Norman invented the game? That would be after he arrived at Tudor in 1948.

This level of research and detective work can be found throughout The Unforgettable BuzzIt was the only way to get the story of Electric Football “right.”

Happy reading!


Earl & Roddy

What is The Unforgettable Buzz? The Best Christmas Present Ever!

The first and only book EVER written about Electric Football is available NOW from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Here is some of the praise The Unforgettable Buzz has received:

“The Unforgettable Buzz is a thoroughly researched and cleverly written study of electric football. Every Baby Boomer who played the game – and that’s all of us – will love this book.”

— Ray Didinger, Pro Football Hall of Fame Sportswriter and NFL Films Emmy® Award Winning Writer and Producer

“This is such a great book. It immediately took me back to those special moments of my childhood. Shores and Garcia have done their homework in opening a sacred portal to the past.”

— Rick Burton, David B. Falk Professor of Sport Management, Syracuse University

“The Unforgettable Buzz is a must read for anyone who loves football, follows the toy industry, or wants to connect with a classic game and hobby.” 

— Doug Strohm, president, Tudor Games

“Earl Shores and Roddy Garcia have written one of the most in depth histories of toy manufacturing and the only resource I’ve seen on electric football. The level of detail they bring is astounding, intermixed with development of the original game, licensing, player design, the NFL and historic games that fed into the popularity of professional football, the skirmishes with other companies that also started selling their own versions of vibrating football, marketing and a good bit of American history thrown in as well.”

— Glenn “Umpire” Harman, editor, Action Figure Times

“A fascinating and absorbing look at the life and history of one of America’s (and my own) best-loved games, all played out against the backdrop of its times, the booming consumer culture and always-competitive toy industry.”

— Christopher Byrne aka The Toy Guy©, author of Toy Time

Click here or on the cover to pick up your copy today. Those Christmas morning memories are just a page turn away! 

Be sure to check out our book trailer. It answers the question…What is The Unforgettable Buzz?

The Unforgettable Buzz Is Now Part of the Largest Toy Library in the U.S.

We’re proud the announce that The Unforgettable Buzz is now part of the Brian Sutton-Smith Library and Archives of Play®. It’s located in Rochester, New York, and is partnered with National Museum of Play and the National Toy Hall of Fame. It is primarily a research library, holding the largest collection in country devoted solely to play, toys and the toy industry. A very fitting place for the only book written about and devoted to the story of Electric Football.

Our call number is: GV 1201 .S56 2013

You can see the official listing by clicking on this link: The Buzz at The Strong

Totally amazing…

Earl, Roddy, and Michael

Richmond Electric Football Recap

Michael Kronenberg, Earl Shores, and Roddy Garcia at the ADA Gallery in Richmond, VA. Opening night of the Electric Football Art Show. The exhibit will run until Sept. 10.

It was all very heady stuff, and nothing like we’d ever experienced in all of our years in electric football. There the three of us were, rushing through the streets of Richmond trying to make it back to the ADA Gallery in time for the 7:00 pm opening of the Electric Football Art Show. We were rushing back from a book signing that had just taken place at nearby Chop Suey Books.

We were still trying to take the moment in – an art show featuring Electric Football. In addition to thousands of amazingly painted Electric Football players, there were old games and ads all laid out like pieces of art. It was the vision of Chris Bopst that brought this all to fruition. He had put in long hours and a mammoth effort to make the event happen.

But the most stunning part was seeing what Chris had done with The Unforgettable Buzz: he had blown the cover up to poster size, and displayed it prominently on a main wall of the exhibit. And surrounding the cover were other pages from our book, all in an expanded scale that we never dreamed of. For almost a year we’d been thinking in terms of 6” x 9” — it was hard to think of our book in any other way. Yet there were our pages in a much larger format…and it was absolutely staggering to see them that way.

For Roddy and I, it was another point to stop and marvel at Michael’s work. How incredibly fortunate we were to have him as our designer. Another point to marvel at was that this was the first time The Buzz team had ever been all together. We’d spent a year working on the book, yet none of that work had been done “live” or face-to-face. Now we’d been together for just a few hours, yet there was no question that we were a “team.”

The gallery was incredibly busy throughout the show. Watching the people stream through the doors is something we will long remember.  What we will also remember is a late and enjoyable evening that ended over cigars and a discussion of our next Electric Football project — a color photo book in 2014.

So thanks Chris, and thanks Richmond. Till next time!!!



The Electric Football Art Show runs until September 10. Be sure to check it out!!



The Unforgettable Buzz is Richmond Bound!!

The Unforgettable Buzz if off to Richmond this morning. It will be a very busy day and evening, with a book signing and Electric Football chat at Chop Suey Books at 6 pm. Then we’re off to the ADA Gallery for the opening of the Electric Football Art Show at 7 pm.

The poster advertising the entire Richmond evening on August 2. Designed by Chris Bopst.

The entire Buzz team will be there. Authors Earl Shores and Roddy Garcia, as well as book designer Michael Kronenberg.

Richmond’s Chris Bopst is responsible for the vision and planning that went into this entire evening. He has definitely placed Electric Football into an entirely new setting. We can’t wait to see all the he’s done in the Gallery. It sounds mind-blowing.

Please come out and say “Hi.” It should be quite a night!


Earl, Roddy & Michael

Last Day To Nominate Electric Football for Induction into the Toy Hall of Fame

Tudor’s NFL Electric Football is certainly Hall of Fame Worthy.

Electric Football is a very special item. It taps into to so many things that a great toy should be. It’s hands-on (setting up players), it’s problem solving (how do I make my player run to the end zone), and it’s creative (visualizing an NFL stadium on your bedroom floor.)

It should already be in the Toy Hall of Fame. But it’s not, and we have a chance to change that circumstance. If you haven’t already, please follow the link below to the National Toy Hall of Fame website and Nominate Electric Football for induction in 2013. Nominations are open until midnight tonight (7/31/2013)

One Vote could make all the difference — and that vote could be yours!!


Thank you for all of your support in 2013!


Earl, Roddy, & Michael

The Coolest Electric Football Poster Ever?

The poster advertising the entire Richmond evening on August 2. Designed by Chris Bopst.

We’re so excited about this coming Friday in Richmond. We’ve already gotten some nice press from RVA Magazine and RVA News.com.

Should be a night to remember. See you there!


Earl, Roddy & Michael

On The Way To Richmond With The “Buzz”


Some more Friday morning video fun…The Buzz is heading to Richmond, on Friday, August 2.

The Unforgettable Buzz Goes Hawaiian!!

The Unforgettable Buzz makes it to Maui.
(A “proof” copy with our earlier cover.)

We’re proud to say that a copy of The Unforgettable Buzz has made it to our 50th state. This shot was taken on a beach in Maui, with the island of Molokai framed behind the book. The surf was flat that day, so there was only a little bit of envy from those of us still stuck on the mainland (OK, that’s a lie…we’re really jealous).

But it is a memorable shot from a very memorable month in the life of this project. We might sound like a broken record at this point but we mean every word — the support you’ve shown the book has been incredible. Our expectations for The Unforgettable Buzz have already been surpassed on many fronts. It’s been a humbling and truly unforgettable time.



The Entire Unforgettable Buzz Team Will Be In Richmond on 8/2!!

The Chop Suey Bookstore in Richmond, VA

The entire Unforgettable Buzz team — authors Earl Shores and Roddy Garcia, and designer Michael Kronenberg — will all be in Richmond on Friday 8/2 for the book signing at Chop Suey Books and the Art Show at the Ada Gallery.

Sometimes amazing things just kind of happen. It’s a big surprise to us too!!!

The electric football “chat” and signing will start at Chop Suey Books at 6 pm. Hope to see your there!

Earl, Roddy & Michael 


“Thank You” MFCA Hall of Fame Inductee Corey Johnson!

MFCA Hall of Fame inductee Corey Johnson with a copy of The Unforgettable Buzz.

It was an inevitable moment, but one we hadn’t really planned for. That is, to see someone with a copy of our book. We’re positively awestruck by it. It’s hard to express how powerful this picture is to us. It is the moment that made The Unforgettable Buzz “real.”

We’ve had various test printings hanging around for a long time now, so not that the final version of the book wasn’t special, it was just something we were kind of “used to.” And there were times when it seemed like the only thing our book was ever going to do was sit on a shelf in our office.

We can reflect back to so many different moments when we’d just about given up…and here Corey is showing us that, yes, the book is indeed real. And it’s an honor to have someone of Corey Johnson’s stature be the one to provide this wonderful “reality check” for us.

We are truly humbled and grateful for all of the support the electric football community has given us. You’ve really made it feel like Christmas morning.


Earl & Roddy 


The Unforgettable Buzz Book Signing in Richmond,VA Friday 8/2

The Chop Suey Bookstore in Richmond, VA

The Unforgettable Buzz will have its first official book signing at Chop Suey Books in Richmond, Virginia, on Friday, August 2, thanks to eclectic-electric-football- extraordinaire Chris Bopst.

The signing will be part of the festivities Chris has put together for his innovative Electric Football Art Show at the Ada Gallery in Richmond later that evening.

Earl Shores will be at Chop Suey Books to talk about the book and sign copies. The event will take place before the Art Show, allowing The Unforgettable Buzz to also be at the Ada Gallery. Some unique book-related items will be available at the show. It should be an evening to remember. See you there!


Thank You C_A_Panther For Featuring The Unforgettable Buzz!

Charles Angell’s C_A_Panther Tudor web site.

We’d like to say a big “THANK YOU” to Charles Angle for putting The Unforgettable Buzz on the front of his amazing C_A_Panther web site. Anyone having questions about Tudor NFL teams will certainly find their answers at Charles’ site. There are photos of some really hard to find teams over there. The site is definitely an Electric Football treasure.

Again, we are grateful to Charles and his support of The Unforgettable Buzz. We’re very proud to be part of the Electric Football community.

Earl & Roddy

Miniature Football Coaches Association Convention – August 2-4

The biggest electric football event of 2013 will take place in Cleveland, Ohio, on August 2-4. That’s where the Miniature Football Coaches of America will hold their 6th annual convention and Tournament of Champions. Included among the festivities are a Hall of Fame Induction – this year’s inductees are Paul Bartels and Corey Johnson – and the crowning of an electric football national champion.

For more information, contact the MFCA. Should be an electric football weekend to remember!!


Praise For The Unforgettable Buzz


“The Unforgettable Buzz is a thoroughly researched and cleverly written study of electric football. Every Baby Boomer who played the game – and that’s all of us – will love this book.”

— Ray Didinger, Pro Football Hall of Fame Sportswriter and NFL Films Emmy® Award Winning Writer and Producer

The first book ever written about electric football is available NOW from Amazon.

We’re honored to have Ray Didinger comment on The Unforgettable Buzz!!

Click here or on the cover to pick up your copy today!

Happy 4th of July from The Unforgettable Buzz!

The opening of The Unforgettable Buzz – Chapter 1

A happy and safe 4th of July to all of our electric football friends. We’re so grateful for all of the support you’ve offered during this very exciting week!

Earl & Roddy

Thank You M.F.C.A for Featuring The Unforgettable Buzz!!

A big Chief for a big “Thank You” to the MFCA!



Many, many thanks to the Miniature Football Coaches Association for featuring the release of The Unforgettable Buzz on their website.

We’re so grateful for their support. The electric football community is a very special one, and we’re honored to be part of it.


Earl & Roddy

Let’s Get Electric Football Into the Toy Hall of Fame

It’s quite a relief to finally have The Unforgettable Buzz published. Yet there is some other serious and unfinished Electric Football business that we want to address. And it’s going to take the efforts of everyone involved in Electric Football to make this happen.

Here’s a pretty cool list: Barbie, Etch-A-Sketch, Silly Putty, Hot Wheels, Big Wheel, GI Joe, Slinky Tonka Toys, LEGO, Lincoln Logs, Monopoly, Mr. Potato Head, Electric Football. All are classic and iconic childhood toys. It’s a point that no one would argue.

Another interesting point about the list is that all of those toy have been inducted into National Toy Hall of Fame…except one. Can you guess which one? It’s our own Electric Football.

But this year, Electric Football’s time has come. With the The Unforgettable Buzz documenting Electric Football’s position as one of the most beloved toys of all time, Electric Football may have its best chance ever to make it into the National Toy Hall of Fame. For too many years Electric Football has been the Rush of the toy world.

But we all have to do our part…and it’s really not all that hard. 

Just click on the link below and fill out the form to nominate Electric Football for the Toy Hall of Fame. The nomination period closes on July 31. We can make 2013 one of the most memorable years in Electric Football history. All those NFL players at the top of this post are counting on us!!


Earl & Roddy

The Unforgettable Buzz climbs to #3 in “Hot New Releases” Football!!

It was only a fleeting moment of glory, but at one point The Unforgettable Buzz climbed to #3 in Amazon’s “Hot New Releases” Football category!!

Thanks everyone!!!!